HTML and JavaScript changes for Multi-browser Support |
The HTML and JavaScript content types need to be modified to enable multi-browser support. This involves change in the way API are used in applications. The various changes required are as mentioned below.
Accessing HTML Elements in JavaScript
The following properties apply to a HTML element accessed through JavaScript, with the exception of the window JavaScript object.
Table 1. List of Properties
Standards Non-compliant Properties (Used in Quirks Mode) |
Standards Compliant Properties (Used in Transitional Mode) |
document var documentObject = htmlElement.document; |
ownerDocument var documentObject = htmlElement.ownerDocument; |
parentWindow var documentObject = htmlElement.document.parentWindow; |
defaultView var documentObject = htmlElement.ownerDocument.defaultView; |
parentElement while (element != null) { element = element.parentElement; } |
parentNode while (element != null && element.nodeType != 9) { element = element.parentElement; } The additional check on nodeType ensures document root is not included while searching |
children var childNodes = htmlElement.children; |
childNodes var childNodes = htmlElement.childNodes; |
outerHTML var outerHTML = htmlElement.outerHTML; |
This has no equivalents, although one possibility could be to use innerHTML of the parent, though the solution may not return same results. For example, Var outerHTML = htmlElement.parentNode.innerHTML; |
Accessing HTML elements in JavaScript
The following events apply to HTML elements accessed through JavaScript.
Table 2. List of JavaScript Events
Standards Non-compliant Events (Used in Quirks Mode) |
Standards Compliant Events (Used in Transitional Mode) |
onselectevent is used on the application. <html onselect="onSelectApplication()" ... Or application.addListener("onselect", handler); |
onapplicationselect event is now used on the application. <html onapplicationselect="onSelectApplication()" ... Or application.addListener("onapplicationselect", handler); |
Accessing Custom HTML Properties in JavaScript
In HTM content, it is possible to set custom properties for an HTML object and access them in JavaScript. While the properties can be set as before, for enabling multi-browser support, they must be read using the getAttribute() method.
Consider the following example,
<input1 id="input1" customproperty="customvalue" ...
Earlier, in Quirks Mode, the properties were viewed as,
var customvalue = input1.customproperty;
In the Transitional Mode, the properties must be viewed as below to ensure multi-browser support,
var customvalue = document.getElementById("input1").getAttribute("customproperty");
This can be set when the properties are read from the HTML control for the first time, as follows.
var input1 = document.getElementById("input1"); if (undefined === input1.customproperty) input1.customproperty == input1.getAttribute("customproperty");
Using the "===" operator ensures the data checked is NULL instead of FALSE.
Using Standard JavaScript Methods
The usage of the following standard JavaScript methods must be modified as mentioned below.
Table 3. List of JavaScript Methods
Standards Non-compliant Methods (Used in Quirks Mode) |
Standards Compliant Methods (Used in Transitional Mode) |
create() method for an HTML element: The parameter can be an HTML markup. var html = window.document.createElement("<div style='display:inline'>"); |
create() method for an HTML element: The parameter can only be the tag name, following which the other properties must be set programmatically. var html = window.document.createElement("div"); = "inline"; |
create() method for the IFrame control: The width and height need not be specified. var iframe = window.document.createElement("<iframe>"); |
create() method for the IFrame control: The width and height must be specified. var iframe = window.document.createElement("iframe"); = "100%"; = "100%"; |
insertBefore() method: The second parameter is optional. If not set, the behavior of the control is similar to the appendChild() method. document.body.insertBefore(newChild); |
insertBefore() method: The second parameter is not optional. Set to null, if not used. document.body.insertBefore(newChild, null); |
HTML controls: It was possible to access all HTML controls in a Web application using the window["id"] collection. = "none"; |
HTML controls: Controls on a Web application can only be accessed using the getElementById("id") method. var htmlControl1 = document.getElementById("htmlControl1"); = "none"; |
.allcollection: it returns an array of HTML controls referred by ID or name. var html1collection = document.all["html1"]; var html2collection = htmlControl1.all["html2"]; |
No equivalent available for this method for browsers. It is possible to use the getElementById("") method to return a single HTML control. var html1 = document.getElementById("html1"); Note: Process Platform provides an API that is an equivalent of the element.all["id"] method and is used as shown below: var html2 = cordys.getElementById("html1"); |
Retrieving data from a collection: Standard methods that use parentheses - "(" and ")" - are used. var row = sampleTable.rows("row1"); var child = xmlObject.childNodes(2); |
retrieving data from a collection: Square brackets - [ ] - must be used. var row = sampleTable.rows["row1"]; var child = xmlObject.childNodes[2]; |
eval() method: Is used as below to evaluate specified expression. var newObject = oldObject.cloneNode(true); |
cloneNode() method: Once used, copies all function pointers and custom attributes on the cloned object. var newObject = oldObject.cloneNode(true); =; ... |